Strengthening Peace and Democracy : Providing Civic and Right Based Education to Youths

August 23rd, 2010 to December 31st, 2011

Objective of the Project

To educate and train political youths ( party cadres) in the fieldof human rights, civic education and democratic behavior so that they can playa role of responsible citizen.

Funding Agency:

Rights Democracy and Inclusion Fund(RDIF) Enabling State Programme (ESP)

Project area

Jhapa, Sankhuwasabha,Dhanusha, Dolakha, Sindhuli, Chitwan, Kathmandu, kaski, Palpa, Rupandehi, Dang,Surkhet, Baitadi,Kailali, Dadeldhura, Bardiya


US$ 217526.30 (NRs.1,73,69,475)

Outcome of the Project

Increased awarenessof the marginalized community on human rights, civic education and democracy;political youths engaged in conflict mitigation and peace building exercises;Institutional capacity of CAHURAST strengthened.