Campaign for Transparent and Accountable Governance in Local Level (CATRAGOL 2)

July 13th, 2011 to December 31st, 2011

Objective of the Project

The project was toestablish transparency and accountability and local governance through the useof Right to Information Act 2007. 

Funding Agency:

Canadian cooperation office (CC0)


US$ 31,191.008

Outcome of the Project

Increased awarenessand skill of people, CSOs and political stakeholders on various existence,legal mechanisms/ Acts on good governance, their use to obtain information andact against corruption and delays in service delivery in selected projectdistricts and generate lessons for the LGCDP and LGAF; Enhanced capacity ofCSOs and communities to make local governments and line agencies moretransparent and accountable by disseminating the "Right to InformationAct" at district and community levels


Indigenous,marginalized and disadvantaged community